Please complete this form: Application for Events on Public Roads and Streets for any event requiring use of either local roads or state highway.
Please note: For road closures, the application must be made 60 working days prior to the event. Events not requiring road closure, must have the application forms submitted least 42 working days out from the event date.
Send completed forms to Rotorua Lakes Council Road Corridor Coordinator by email or post.
Attn: Road Corridor Coordinator
Rotorua Lakes Council
Post Private Bag 3029
Rotorua 3046
Along with the application form for road usage or closure, you will need to supply an approved Traffic Management Plan. Plans that require use of State Highway will need to be approved by:
Higgins Contractors Limited
PO Box 10167
Rotorua 3046
Phone 07 349 3800
Events that require the use of local roads will need to be approved by Rotorua Lakes Council. Please send completed plans to:
If you are planning to erect a marquee, stage or structure, you may need to gain consent from council. For more information on marquee requirements:
Marquee Requirements, Processing & Vetting Checklist
Any stage or platform erected above one metre and a half in height will require building consent. More information on the building consent process can be found here:
For ant further information on temporary building permits, contact Rotorua Lakes Council Building Services on 07 348 4199 or by email
Resource consent may be required depending on the land zoning and/or the nature/effect of the event or activity (e.g. if entry fees are required from attendees for an outdoor event in a rural zone, it is likely that controlled activity resource consent will be required). If you believe you may require resource consent, you will need to contact Council 4 to 6 months out from the event. Contact Rotorua Lakes Council on 07 348 4199 or by email
For enquiries about the sale of food or alcohol, or holding a market stall or mobile shop please contact Regulatory Services on 07 348 4199 or by email
For information on noise level limits in Rotorua please contact Regulatory Services on 07 348 4199 or by email
Rotorua’s District Plan permits the use of signage on private land up to 3 metres square one month out from the event. For information on what signage can be displayed prior to and during an event, please contact Planning Services on 07 348 4199 or by email
For enquiries about incorporating animals into your event, please contact Animal Control on 07 348 4199 or by email
Planning and delivery of a healthy and safe environment is as critical as creating a fun and memorable experience through planning event entertainment.
Rotorua Lakes Council created an Event Health and Safety Guide to help you understand the expectations of event organisers and to support you in developing an event operations plan that documents how you plan to deliver a healthy and safe event environment.
Rotorua Lakes Council would like all visiting event participants to have a great experience during their time in Rotorua. To help make this happen,this Keep Safe Flyer was created to provide important information to anyone coming into the city.
We encourage all organisers to provide this information as part of their event pack. You can request hard copies from Rotorua Lakes Council.