• 07 351 8651

Venue Locations

Our Venues are Central to Everything
All our event venues are close to the city centre, and most are within easy strolling distance of major Rotorua hotels and accommodations, cafes and restaurants, and beautiful Lake Rotorua.

The physical addresses of our venues are listed below or view the Google map below to locate our event venues.

Rotorua Energy Events Centre
Te Whare Pungao o Rotorua

Queens Drive,
Government Gardens
Rotorua 3010
New Zealand
ph: 07 349 5631

Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre
1170 Fenton Street
Rotorua 3010
New Zealand
ph: 07 349 5141

Te Runanga Tea House
Queens Drive, Government Gardens
Rotorua 3010
New Zealand
ph: 07 349 5141

Rotorua International Stadium
Devon Street
Rotorua 3015
New Zealand
ph: 07 349 5141

Postal Address
(for all venues):

Events & Venues Rotorua
Private Bag 3029
Rotorua Mail Centre
Rotorua 3046
New Zealand